This guideline provides a set of recommendations for the selection and assessment of Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) when completing a Relative Effectiveness Assessment (REA) of pharmaceuticals.
Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is often considered to be an important endpoint of health care interventions. Because improvement in HRQoL is highly subjective, it does not necessarily correlate well with objectively measurable clinical benefits.
This guidance indicates which types of HRQoL measures are suitable for the demonstration of the relative effectiveness of pharmaceuticals and summarizes the caveats for interpreting HRQoL outcomes. It has a double purpose: (1) support assessors in identifying the strengths and weaknesses in the evidence provided and (2) inform researchers about the requirements regarding HRQoL assessment in order to allow them to anticipate the collection of the required data for REA when developing trial protocols.
Please find the guideline on health-related quality of life at the bottom of this page
This document is part of the JA1 Final Technical Report as Deliverable “D3-2 WP5_3a5_HRQoL”
NOTE: For the full Technical Report, please follow this link.